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Andrea is Co- Director and designated Master Teacher of Knight-Thompson Speechwork™. She is Head of Voice & Speech at Cal State University, Long Beach, training mid-career actors in a unique Performance Pedagogy MFA program and serving an exciting and diverse undergraduate BA program.

Caban is also known as a professional accent/dialect coach for film and theatre. Notable coaching credits include several plays at the Tony Award-winning South Coast Repertory Theatre (Absurd Person Singular, Chinglish, Death of a Salesman, Madwomen in a Volvo & Peter and the Starcatcher). She is the accent expert on, demonstrating over 30 accents. She is currently collaborating with Francis Ford Coppola on his career opus film Megalopolis.

Andrea has also served on faculty for the MFA programs at UC Irvine and UC San Diego, and in the BA/BFA programs at CSU Fullerton. She has been invited to teach master classes at Royal Academy of Dramatics Arts (teaching staff and BA actors) and the Royal Central School for Speech and Drama in London (MFA pedagogy students) and at the National Institute for Dramatic Arts in Sydney (MFA pedagogy students). She has been an artist-in-residence at University of Cape Town, Penn State University, the MotherTongue Project- South Africa, and SWEAT- South Africa (Sex-workers education and Task Force), among others.

She has performed and presented research at conferences and institutions in London, England, Bogota, Colombia, Cape Town, South Africa, Barcelona, Spain, San Ramon, Costa Rica and Istanbul, Turkey.

She is the dialect expert on, demonstrating over 35 different accents.

She earned her BA in Theatre from University of South Florida and her MFA in Acting from UC Irvine.

Professional affiliations include Dramatists Guild of America, Voice & Speech Trainers Association, League of Professional Theatre Women (Dramatist–Full Member), Fitzmaurice Voicework® (Associate Teacher), Knight-Thompson Speechwork™ (Master Teacher), & Actors’ Equity Association.

Fitzmaurice Voicework

Fitzmaurice Voicework® is a comprehensive, holistic approach to voice training. Originally developed for actors, it is now also used to help people with a wide variety of interests and needs. Find out more.


Knight-Thompson Speechwork™ is a highly effective, skills-based approach to speech and accent training for actors that places emphasis on developing the speaker’s detailed awareness of—and deep engagement with—the precise physical actions which make up speech. Find out more about the work. 

Andrea frequently teaches in KTS workshops. Get the latest here

Andrea is an inspiring, intuitive and focused voice trainer. She knows exactly how to lead her students to their vocal goals.”
— Dr. Sadhana Nayak, M.S, Voice Specialist & Voice Performance Consultant
“Of course Andrea is smart, well trained, and has an excellent ear, but what sets her apart is her sensitivity to the human being in front of her.”
— Phil Thompson, Co-founder, Knight-Thompson Speechwork, Head of Acting, UC Irvine